Pradipta Biswas

Associate Professor
Department of Design and Manufacturing & Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber Physical Systems
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Senior Principal Engineer at Collins Aerospace Systems (on sabbatical)
Co-Chairman, IRG-AVA, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Vice-Chairman (2022-24), SG 9, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)


  • Introducing importance and applications of AI & HCI
  • Discussing basics of human psychology and their implications in interface design
  • Introducing basic theories of AI/ML and their implications in interface design
  • Discussing Motion Planiing Algorithms and Human Robot Interaction
  • Teaching to conduct user trials and reporting results
  • Evaluating user interface

What you get

  • Basic guidelines to design good interface
  • Idea of user modelling and interface personalization
  • Basics of AI and Intelligent User Interface
  • Conducting usability evaluation and reporting results
  • Knowledge about novel interaction technologies
  • Basic know-how about writing international standards


Dr. Pradipta Biswas
Associate Professor, Dept. of CPDM, IISc
Guest Lectures by Prof Sriram Ganapathy, Dr Swami Manohar, Prof Vishal Singh, Mr Vinay Krishna Sharma, Mr Abhishek Mukhopadhyay, Mr Somnath Arjun, Ms Priyam Rajkhowa, Mr LRD Murthy, Mr Rajshekar Reddy, Mr KPS Saluja, Mr Varun Lellapali
Who can apply?
BE, B.Tech., MCA
Basic Knowledge of Computer Programming & Mathematics

Human Factors and User Modelling

Introduction to HCI


Cognition and Motor Action

User Modelling

Usability Evaluation

Interface Personalization

Cognitive Load Estimation

UX Research and the Rise of Product Led Development


Interaction Design

Intelligent Interaction Techniques

Introduction to Haptics

Display Technologies

Spatial Audio

Automatic Speech Recognition

Multimodal Interaction


Artificial Intelligence

Signal and Image Processing

Tracking and Calibration

Bayesian Inferencing

Introduction to Expert System

Information Retrieval – Content and Link Analysis

Information Visualization


Machine Learning

Introduction to Machine Learning

Learning Rate in Machine Learning

Introduction to Deep Learning

ML Model Validation

Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

Autonomous Vehicle


Motion Planning

Introduction to Motion Planning

State Space Search and Application to IUI

Shortest Path Algorithms

Markov Decision Process

Passive Reinforcement Learning

Active Reinforcement Learning

Configuration Space

Obstacle Representation in C-Space

Robot Path Planning

Target Prediction


UI Development

Introduction to Semiotics

Android UI Development

UI Design in MS Visual Studio

Web UI Development

AR/VR in Unity

IoT integration with UI


Case Studies

Interactive AR/VR with Deep Learning

Spacecraft HMI

Automotive User Interface

Aviation User Interface

Assistive Technology

Inclusive Covid Dashboard


Human Robot Interaction

Introduction to Human Robot Interaction

Collaborative Robot

Designing Value Based HRI

Multimodal Human Robot Interaction

Range of Autonomy in HRI

Digital Twin & IoT


User Study Design

Quantitative Evaluation

Qualitative Research


Sample Questions

1.  Compare and contrast the following

a.  Serial and parallel visual search

b.  GOMS and SOAR user modelling systems

c.  Qualitative and Quantitative data analyses techniques

d.  Designing UI using MS Visual Studio and Python QT

e.  Heuristic Usability Evaluation and Cognitive Walkthrough

2.  Explain Spreading Activation model in the context of ACT-R cognitive architecture.

3.  Explain how Fitts’ Law is used to compare input pointing devices.

4.  Find mean, median, first quartile, third quartile, inner fence and outer fence for the following set of numbers 34, 22, 67, 12, 55, 87, 23, 145, 32, 90, 89, 5

5.  Investigate existing user interfaces of software applications, websites, smartphones or any other electronic product (like microwave oven, camera and so on). Identify three problems with existing user interfaces.         Propose a new design to address the problem. If possible, relate the problem with a human factor (like visual search, rapid aiming movement, learning, memory and so on)

6.  Why Depth First Search is not complete ?

7.  What is (are) the condition(s) for A* search to be optimally efficient?

8.  Write an expression and identify variables for Naïve Bayes’ Model?

9.  Define Precision and Recall in the context of Information Retrieval?

10.              What is Sphericity assumption in the context of ANOVA?

11.              What is the difference between parametric and non-parametric tests in the context of statistical hypothesis testing?

12.              Write one advantage and one disadvantage of a wearable eye gaze tracker over a screen mounted eye gaze tracker?

13.              Draw a set of blocks showing basic computation of a gesture recognition system. The input to the system will be live video feed and output will be a semantic gesture like tap, swipe and so on

14.              What is the input and output of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) in the context of object detection?

15.              What is the advantage of K-Medoids clustering over K-means clustering technique?

16.              Given the following statistics, what is the probability that a woman has cancer if she has a positive mammogram result?

·        One percent of women over 50 have breast cancer.

·        Ninety percent of women who have breast cancer test positive on mammograms.

·         Eight percent of women will have false positives.

17.              Consider the following neuron and relationship between input and output

18.              Design an intelligent user interface for smartphone based home appliance control system. Please identify the intelligent features of the interface or supported interaction.

Online Examination

Reference Books

  • Shneiderman B. "Designing The User Interface - Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction." Pearson Education
  • Norman K (Ed), Wiley Handbook of Human Computer Interaction, Wiley 2017
  • Grigore C. Burdea, Coiffet P, Virtual Reality Technology, Wiley 2016
  • Dieter S. and Höllerer T., Augmented Reality: Principles & Practice, Pearson Education India, 2016
  • Field A, "Discovering Statistics Using SPSS", SAGE Publications Ltd., 2009.
  • Johnson P. "Human Computer Interaction: psychology, task analysis and software engineering." McGraw Hill Book Company, 1992.
  • Buxton B., Sketching User Experiences: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design, Morgan Kaufmann
  • Biswas P., Inclusive Human Machine Interaction for India, Springer 2014